We’ve recently seen an increase in unauthorised websites selling counterfeit or replica Blundstone products, or scams that aim to take credit card info. These counterfeit sites are often offering products at very high discounts or low prices but do not have any items to ship.
Protect yourself when shopping online for our boots by purchasing from this site, our official Blundstone UK website, or from one of our approved resellers via the Store Finder page.
From our humble beginnings in Tasmania Australia, we’re now a global brand, with our boots sold on six continents and in over 70 countries. You can find all our official international Blundstone distributors here on the official Australian Blundstone website.
When in doubt, it’s always best to get in touch with us directly so you can be sure you’re purchasing the real deal rather than Blundstone copies. You can do this via our Contact Us page.